4D Brachytherapy for improved clinical outcomes
About our Centre
The Prostate Brachytherapy Centre has been treating patients with early prostate cancer using the technique of prostate brachytherapy for more than 10 years. We are pioneers in the field and have now successfully treated over 1,400 men with this technique. We are one of the most experienced centres for this treatment in Europe and year on year treat more patients with prostate brachytherapy than any other unit in the UK.
Our results are impressive with published rates for successful treatment of early stage prostate cancer of over 90%. The Centre welcomes both NHS and private patients, as well as patients who have been referred to us from around the world
Early Prostate Cancer
The prostate is a small gland about the size of a walnut, which lies just below the bladder. The tube that takes urine from the bladder, called the urethra, passes through the centre of the gland to the penis.
The valve mechanism, or sphincter, maintains continence and stops urine leaking out of the bladder. It is located below the prostate gland.
The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system. It develops at puberty and continues to enlarge throughout life. The prostate gland acts rather like a junction box. It allows the tubes that carry sperm from each testicle, and the tubes that drain from the seminal vesicles to meet and then empty their contents in to the urethra. (The seminal vesicles consist of two pouches that provide nutrients for the sperm and lie immediately behind the prostate).
At the point of orgasm, sperm, seminal vesicle fluid and prostatic secretions enter the urethra and mix together forming semen. This is then ejaculated out through the penis by rhythmic muscular contractions.
Normally in the prostate, as in the rest of the body, there is a continuous turnover of cells, with new cells replacing old dying ones. In a cancer the balance between the new and old cells is lost, with many more new ones being made and older ones living longer. Prostate cancer results when there is uncontrolled growth of the cells in the prostate and the growths (clusters of cancer cells) are malignant. This means that the cancer cells can spread to other areas in the body.
In early prostate cancer the cancer cells have not spread outside the prostate and the cancer is said to be localised.
About our Centre
Through our continuing commitment to patient well-being, the Centre has become a leading, world-renowned, ‘centre of excellence’ for prostate brachytherapy. This website is just one example of our commitment to patients with prostate cancer. We believe that access to information is the key to patients making informed decisions about the treatments they may be offered. We like to treat patients as individuals and not just treat their cancer. We will tailor our treatments to meet your needs and provide support to both you and your partner and family when and if you need it.
Our aim is to make each encounter with us as reassuring and stress-free as we can.
The team at The Prostate Brachytherapy Centre are committed to advancing the treatment of prostate cancer and have received a number of awards for their research. In particular they have further developed the technique of prostate brachytherapy to help keep side effects as low as possible, but without affecting the high rates of success obtained in early stage disease. The clinical outcomes from the patients we have treated have been widely presented and published both nationally and internationally.
About our Centre
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men but there is a high chance of removing the cancer completely if it is detected and treated early. Prostate brachytherapy is a minimally invasive procedure, with fast recovery so that patients can get back to living their lives with as little disruption as possible.
Brachytherapy is not suitable for all patients with prostate cancer but our dedicated and knowledgeable team of professionals are committed to making sure that patients who would benefit are offered prostate brachytherapy as a possible treatment option.
Minimally invasive procedure
A minimally invasive procedure is a medical procedure that penetrates or breaks the skin either by a small incision (key hole) or by a needle (pin hole) . A minimally invasive procedure is less invasive than the open surgical procedure carried out to achieve the same outcome It often involves the use of ultrasound probes or remote control cameras to allow the surgeon to see the inside the body to enable the procedure to be safely performed.