4D Brachytherapy for improved clinical outcomes
Receiving treatment
At The Prostate Brachytherapy Centre we carry out the most advanced and up-to-date brachytherapy procedure, namely a one-stage, real-time technique. This means that you will be admitted to hospital usually for one day only and discharged home again on the same or following day.
After your assessment visit, and if brachytherapy is right for you, our Brachytherapy Co-ordinator will suggest some possible dates for you to come to the Centre to have the procedure.
The seeds we will implant into your prostate gland are prepared specifically for you in the USA. We usually like to leave at least 3 weeks after your assessment visit before the date we ask you to return for brachytherapy treatment. This gives us time to work out the number of seeds we need to order and for them to be delivered on the right date.
Real-time technique
This is the latest technique in brachytherapy. The planning computer is running in theatre during the implant procedure. This allows the radiation dose delivered to the prostate to be continuously monitored and the seed positions to be modified so that the optimal implant can be performed.