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4D Brachytherapy for improved clinical outcomes
Dr Robert Laing
Dr Robert Laing is a Radiation Oncologist who has worked at the St Luke’s Cancer Centre in Guildford for more than 14 years. Following completion of his training at The Royal Marsden Hospital he undertook research into stereotactic radiation techniques and so he was ideally placed to develop the procedure of prostate brachytherapy. He has been instrumental in driving award-winning research in prostate cancer and prostate brachytherapy that has helped The Prostate Brachytherapy Centre to become a centre of excellence for the treatment of this disease.
He has also published widely in the area of prostate cancer and co-supervised academic research at the University of Surrey leading to the award of two PhDs to date and is held in high regard within the field of oncology in the UK.
Laing, RW, Glazer MG, Barrett GS:
Breast cancer in association with in-vitro fertilisation.
J.Royal Soc of Med, 1989, 52, 503.
Laing RW, Child J, Brada M:
Failure of conventionally fractionated radiotherapy to decrease the risk of haemorrhage in operable arteriovenous malformations.
Neurosurgery 1992, 30, 6, 870-876.
Laing RW, Brada M:
Intracranial germ cell tumour in association with cryptorchidism.
Clinical Oncology, 1992, 4, 269-270.
Laing RW, Saunders MI:
A case of lung carcinoma induced by radioactive Iodine given for disseminated thyroid carcinoma.
Clinical Oncology, 1992, 4, 394-395.
Laing RW, Warrington AP, Graham J, Hines F, Brada M:
Efficacy and toxicity of fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy in the treatment of recurrent gliomas (phase 1/11 study).
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 1992, 27, 22-29.
Brada M, Laing RW:
Radiosurgery/stereotactic external beam radiotherapy for malignant brain tumours.
Chapter in:
Molecular neuro-oncology: impact on clinical management of brain tumours, eds
Weisler OD, Schlegel V, Schramm J,Springer Verlag. 1994, 91-104.
Laing RW, Warrington AP, Brada M:
Fractionated external beam stereotactic radiotherapy in the management of intracranial metastases.
European Journal of Cancer, 1992, 29A, 1387-1391.
Laing RW, Nahum AE, Bentley R, Brada M:
Stereotactic radiotherapy planning for irregular targets: a comparison between static conformal beams and non coplanar rotations.
Radiotherapy and Oncology 1993, 28, 241-246.
Laing RW, Thompson V, Warrington AP, Brada M:
Feasibility of patient immobilisation for conventional cranial irradiation with a relocatable stereotactic frame.
British Journal of Radiology, 1993, 66, 1020-1024.
Warrington AP, Laing RW, Brada M:
Quality assurance in fractionated external beam stereotactic radiotherapy.
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 1994, 30, 239-246.
Laing RW, Hoskin P, Vaughan Hudson B, Vaughan Hudson G, Harmer C, Bennett M, Maclennan K:
The significance of MALT histology in thyroid lymphoma; a review of patients from the BNLI and Royal Marsden Hospital.
Clinical Oncology, 1994.
Landau DB, Laing RW:
An audit of indications and techniques for supraclavicular fossa irradiation in early breast cancer in the United Kingdom.
Clinical Oncology (R Coll Radiol) 2000, 12(13), 172-8.
Henderson A, Cahill D, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Iodine 125 prostate brachytherapy. Selection strategies & outcomes from the first 100 consecutive patients and selection strategies incorporating urodynamics.
British Journal of Urology International 2002, 90, 567-572.
Langley SEM, Laing RW:
Prostate brachytherapy has come of age; a review of technique results.
BJU International 2002, 89, 241-249.
Henderson A, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
A spanner in the works; the use of a new temporary urethral stent to relieve bladder outflow obstruction following prostate brachytherapy.
Brachytherapy 2003, 1(4) 211-218.
Henderson A, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
Is Bicalutamide equivalent to Goserelin for prostate volume reduction prior to prostate brachytherapy?
Clinical Oncology (R Coll Radiol), 2003 Sept; 15(6), 318-321.
Henderson A, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Intraoperative identification of pubic arch interference in prostate brachytherapy, simplifying the transrectal ultrasound technique.
Brachytherapy June 2003, 2(4), 240-5.
Laing RW, Henderson A, Langley SEM:
A prospective observational study of the cytoreductive efficacy of Goserelin and Bicalutamide prior to brachytherapy.
Brachytherapy 2003, Vol 1, page 53.
Smith IE, Hearn R, Coombes GA, Howell A, Ebbs S, hickish TF, O’Brien M, Mansi JL, Wilson CB, Robinson AC, Murray PA, Price CGA, Perren TJ, Laing RW, Bliss JM and other members of the TOPIC Trial Group.
A novel continuous infusional 5FU based chemotherapy regimen compared with conventional chemotherapy in the neo-adjuvant treatment of early breast cancer: 5 year results of the TOPIC trial.
Annals of Oncology 2004 May, 15(5), 751-8.
Langley SEM, Laing RW:
Iodine seed prostate brachytherapy: an alternative first line choice for early prostate cancer.
Prostate Cancer Dis. 2004 June 8.
Henderson A, Sooriakumaran P, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Brachytherapy: the Surgeon’s perspective.
BJU Int. 2004 May: 93(7), 1118.
Henderson A, Bott SR, Sooriakumaran P, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Urinary morbidity after I125 brachytherapy of the prostate.
BJU Int. 2004 April: 93(6), 880.
Henderson A, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Quality of life following treatment for early prostate cancer: does low dose rate (LDR) brachytherapy offer a better outcome?
Eur Urol. 2004 Feb, 45(2), 134-42.
Henderson A, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Improvement in urinary symptoms after radical prostatectomy: a prospective evaluation of flow rates and symptom scores.
BJU Int. 2004 Jan: 93(1), 180-1.
Khaksar SJ, Laing RW, Sooriakumaran P, Lovell D, Langley SEM:
PSA relapse free survival and toxicity follow I-125 prostate brachytherapy.
British Journal of Urology International. 2006: 98(4); 1210-1215.
Khaksar SJ, Langley SEM, Lovell D, Laing RW:
Interstitial low dose rate (LDR) brachytherapy for intermediate and high risk prostate cancer.
Clinical Oncology. 2006. 18: 513-518.
Khaksar SJ, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Fertility after brachytherapy.
BJUInt 2005 Oct: 96(6), 915.
Barrett-Lee P, Bloomfield D, Dougherty L, Harries M, Laing R, Patel H, Walker M.
An audit to determine the time taken to administer intravenous bisphosphonate infusions in patients diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer to bone in a hospital setting.
Current Medical Research and Opinions 2007 May: 23(7): 1575-82.
Dowsett M, Hanby A M, Laing R, Walker R.
From the National HER2 Consultation Steering Group. HER2 testing in the UK: consensus from a national consultation.
Journal of Clinical Pathology: June 2007; 60: 685-689.
Helena Nam, Sara Smith, Robert Laing:
A pitfall in 18 fluorodeoxyglucose-PET in a patient with a tattoo.
The Lancet Oncology, Vol 8, December 2007, pp 1147-1148.
Nobes J, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
An overview of I-125 prostate brachytherapy for early prostate cancer.
Urology News 2007; 12(1):7-9.
Nobes J, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
Letter: The value of day 1 imaging following LDR prostate brachytherapy.
Radiother Oncol 2008; 86(2):288-9.
Voulgaris S, Nobes J, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
State of the art: prostate LDR brachytherapy.
Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2008 March 25;11(3):237-40.
Nobes J, Wells IG, Khaksar S, Money-Kyrle J, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
Biochemical relapse free survival in 400 patients treated with I-125 prostate brachytherapy: the Guildford experience.
Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2008 Apr 22;(Epub ahead of print).
Nobes J, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
Male health and the metabolic syndrome.
Urology News 2008;12(4):6-10.
Nobes J, Khaksar S, Hawkins M, Cunningham M, Langley SEM, Laing RW.
Novel prostate brachytherapy technique: improved dosimetric and clinical outcome.
Radiother Oncol 2008 Jul:88(1): 121-6.
Nobes J, Langley SEM, Laing RW.
Metabolic Syndrome and Prostate Cancer: A Review.
Clinic Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2008 Dec 24. (Epub ahead of print).
Ferran Guedea, Ferran Aguilo, Alfredo Polo, Stephen Langley, Robert Laing, Alastair Henderson, Sirpa Aaltomaa, Vese Kataja, Juni Palmgren, Franch Bladou, Naji Salem, Gwenaelle Gravis, Andrea Losa, Giorgio Guazzoni, Luciano Nava.
Early biochemical outcomes following permanent interstitial brachytherapy as monotherapy in 1050 patients with clinical T1-T2 prostate cancer.
Radiotherapy and Oncology 80 (2006) 57-61.
Glaser MG, Cheeseman A, Laing RW, Dale R:
Pilot study to evaluate intra-operative implantation of radio-iodine seeds (I125) in the control of recurrent tumours of the head and neck.
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Head and Neck Cancer, Boston, USA. August 1988.
Laing RW, Graham J, Warrington AP, Brada M:
Fractionated external beam stereotactic radiotherapy for recurrent gliomas and solitary metastases (Phase 1/11 study).
British J. Neurosurg. 1991, 5, 429.
Laing RW, Childs J, Brada M:
Is conventionally fractionated radiotherapy useful in operable arteriorvenous malformations.
British J. Cancer, 1991, 64-17, supplement XV.
Laing RW, Bennett M, Vaughan Hudson G:
Thyroid lymphoma; clinical and pathological features of patients registered with the BNLI.
Clinical Oncology, 1991, 3, 5 299.
Laing RW, Warrington AP, Graham J, Brada M:
Survival and quality of life following fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for recurrent gliomas and solitary metastases.
British J. Cancer, 1992, 5, 66, supplement XVII.
Laing RW, Warrington AP, Graham J, Brada M:
Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for recurrent gliomas and intracranial metastases; efficacy and toxicity.
Radiotherapy and Oncology, 1992, 32, 24 (supplement).
Laing RW, Warrington AP, Graham J, Brada M:
Fractionated external beam radiotherapy for recurrent glioma (Phase 1/11 study).
Int J. Rad Onc Bio Phys, 1992, 24, supplement 1, 129.
Laing RW.
Stereotactic radiotherapy for irregular targets, the advantage of static conformal beams over conventional non-coplanar arcs.
British J of Radiology, 1993, 66, 92-93.
Smith IE, A’Hearn RP, Howell A, Hickish T, O’Brien M, Mansi J, Wilson C, Robinson A, Pratt W, Price C, Perren T, Laing RW: Royal Marsden, London UK, Christie, Manchester UK, Royal Bournemouth UK, Kent Cancer Centre UK, St. George’s London UK, Addenbrooke’s, Cambridge UK, Southend UK, Colchester UK, British Oncology Centre UK, Yorkshire Breast Group, Leeds UK, St. Luke’s Guildford, UK.
Pre-operative continuous infusion EcisF (Epirubicin, Cisplatin and infusional 5FU) vs conventional AC chemotherapy for early breast cancer: A phase III multicentre randomised trial by the TOPIC Trial Group.
Abstracted to American Society of Clinical Oncology 2000: vol 19: 320.
Cahill D, Henderson A, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
Prostate brachytherapy: Patient assessment and symptomatic response.
British Association of Urological Surgeons – Dublin 2001.
Abstracted to British Journal of Urology International 2001; 88 (supplement 1) 49.
Henderson A, Cahill D, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
Prostate brachytherapy: A prospective analysis of urological symptoms.
British Cancer Research Meeting – Leeds 2001.
Abstracted to the British Journal Cancer 200; 85 (supplement 1); 16.
Henderson A, Cahill D, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Prostate brachytherapy, lessons from our first 100 patients.
European Association of Urologists, Annual Meeting, Birmingham 2002.
Abstracted to European Urology 2002 1 (supplement 1), pp 46.
Henderson A, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Toxicity following Iodine 125 prostate brachytherapy; prospective prediction of symptoms using urodynamics.
European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Altalya, Turkey. May 2002.
Abstracted to Radiotherapy & Oncology 2002; 63 (supplement 1); 48.
Henderson A, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Iodine 125 prostate brachytherapy; selection strategies and early outcome.
British Association of Urological Surgeons – Glasgow 2002.
Abstracted to British Journal of UrologyInternational 2002, 90 (supplement 1), 20 (p 118).
Henderson A, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Cytoreduction for brachytherapy. Not all antiandrogens are equal.
British Association of Urological Surgeons – Glasgow 2002.
Abstracted to British Journal of Urology International 2002, 90 (supplement 1) 68, (p147).
Henderson A, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
Iodine 125 prostate brachytherapy. Early outcome, toxicity and patient selection – a prospective study.
British Association of Surgical Oncology/ British Oncology Association, Cambridge 2002.
Abstracted to Clinical Oncology 2002, 14 (4), 518 (p47).
Henderson A, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
Iodine 125 prostate brachytherapy – Early outcome, toxicity and patient selection – a prospective study.
European Society of Therapeutic Radiation and Oncology, Prague 2002.
Abstracted to Radiotherapy & Oncolgoy 2002, 64 (supplement 1), 972 (286).
Henderson A, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
A prospective study of urinary symptoms following Iodine 125 seed brachytherapy; is urodynamics the essential test to determine risk of post operative catheter use?
European Association of Urologists, Annual Meeting, Madrid 2003.
Abstracted to European Urology 2003, 2 (1), pp 134 (abstract 526)
Winner best poster on non surgical treatment of prostate cancer.
Henderson A, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
A prospective study of PSA free survival following Iodine 125 seed prostate brachytherapy – The first reported UK data.
Abstracted to British Journal of Urology International 2003. 91 (supplement 2), 102 (page 146).
Laing RW, Henderson A, Langley SEM:
A prospective observational study of the cytoreduction efficacy of Gosereline and Bicalutamide prior to brachytherapy.
Abstracted to Prostate Cancer and Prostate Disease 2003. Innovators in Urology.
Khaksar SJ, Henderson A, Sooriakumaran P, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Biochemical outcome following interstitial low dose rate (LDR) prostate brachytherapy in intermediate and high risk patients.
ECCO 13 Paris 2005.
Henderson A, Khaksar SJ, Sooriakumaran P, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
Quality of Life following prostate brachytherapy – HRQol returns to baseline within nine months.
American Society of Therapeutic & Radiation Oncology, Denver 2005.
Abstracted International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology & Physics 2005: 63 (supplement 1), S333-334.
Khaksar SJ, Sooriakumaran P, Henderson A, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
Can US prostate brachytherapy results be reproduced in Europe?
American Society of Therapeutic & Radiation Oncology, Denver 2005.
Abstracted to International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology & Physics 2005: 63 (supplement 1), S328.
Henderson A, Khaksar S, Sooriakumaran P, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
Quality of life and erectile dysfunction up to 24 months after prostate brachytherapy – A longitudinal prospective study.
British Association of Urological Surgeons Glasgow 2005.
Abstracted to British Journal of Urology International 2005: 95 (S5), 91 p125.
Sooriakumaran P, Khaksar S, Henderson A, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Can Europe reproduce the brachytherapy results of the USA?
European Association of Urology (EAU) Istanbul 2005.
Abstracted to European Urology 2005: 4 (3), 44 (168).
Sooriakumaran P, Henderson A, Khaksar SJ, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Effects of brachytherapy on erectile dysfunction – prospective UK data.
European Association of Urology (EAU) Instabul 2005.
Abstracted to European Urology 2005: 4 (3), 82 (318).
Khaksar SJ, Sooriakumaran P, Henderson A, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
PSA relapse free survival following prostate brachytherapy in intermediate and high risk disease.
European Society of Therapeutic Radiation and Oncology, Budapest 2005.
Abstracted to Radiotherapy and Oncology 2005: Vol 75 (supplement 1) S85.
Khaksar SJ, Sooriakumaran P, Henderson A, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
PSA bounce following prostate brachytherapy. Can you predict it?
European Society of Therapeutic Radiation and Oncology. Budapest 2005.
Abstracted to Radiotherapy and Oncology 2005: Vol 75 (supplement 1) S86.
Khaksar SJ, Sooriakumaran P, Henderson A, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
PSA relapse free survival following I-125 LDR prostate brachytherapy.
UK and Ireland Prostate Brachytherapy Meeting. March 2005.
Khaksar SJ, Sooriakumaran P, Henderson A, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
Prostate brachytherapy in intermediate and high risk disease – early results.
UK and Ireland Prostate Brachytherapy Meeting. March 2005.
Khaksar SJ, Sooriakumaran P, Henderson A, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
PSA bounce following brachytherapy: What does it mean and why does it happen.
UK and Ireland Prostate Brachytherapy Meeting. March 2005.
Khaksar SJ, Henderson A, Sooriakumaran P, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Are US prostate brachytherapy results reproducible in the UK?
British Association of Urological Surgeons 2006.
Henderson A, Sooriakumaran P, Khaksar SJ, Eden C, Wright M, Laing RW, Langley SEM:
Health related quality of life after state of the art radical treatment for prostate cancer: brachytherapy and laparoscopic radical prostatectomy; outcome data with 18 months follow up.
British Prostate Group Meeting 2006.
Bott S. R J, Henderson A, Halls J. E, Montgomery B, Laing R, Langley S:
Extensive transperineal template biopsies of prostate: Modified technique and results.
Urology 68 (5) 2006, 1037-1041.
Nobes J, Sooriakumaran P, Khaksar S, Money-Kyrle J, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
Updated 5 year biochemical relapse free survival following prostate brachytherapy.
British Prostate Group Spring Meeting, Newcastle. March 2007.
Nobes J, Khaksar S, Ismail A, Hawkins M, Langley SEM, Laing RW.
Penile bulb dosimety – Impact of prostate brachytherapy implant technique.
Clinical Oncology 2006; Vol 19 (suppl 1), p7, abstract 10.
UK Radiation Oncology Conference, Edinburgh. March 2007.
Nobes J, Khaksar S, Ismail A, Hawkins M, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
The importance of prostate brachytherapy implant technique on penile bulb dosimetry.
European Urology Supplements 2007; Vol 6(2), p226, abstract 814.
Annual EAU Congress Berlin, March 2007.
Nobes, J, Thomas C, Ismail A, Langley SEM, Laing RW.
Post implant dosimetry – Impact of local planning technique modifications.
UK & Ireland Prostate Brachytherapy Group Meeting, York. April 2007.
Nobes J, Khaksar S, Ismail A, Langley SEM, Laing RW.
Effect of a novel prostate implant technique on post implant dosimetry and potency.
UK & Ireland Prostate Brachytheapy Group Meeting, York. April 2007.
Nobes J, Wells I, Khaksar S, Money-Kyrle J, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
PSA relapse free survival following prostate brachytherapy – Updated 5 year results.
UK & Ireland Prostate Brachytherapy Group Meeting, York. April 2007.
Nobes J, Thomas C, Ismail A, Langley SEM, Laing RW.
Prostate brachytherapy dosimetry following technique modification.
Royal College of Radiologist Annual Scientific Meeting – Oncology Registrar;s Forum, London. September 2007.
Nobes J, Khaksar S, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
Hybrid I-125 prostate brachytherapy technique optimises dosimetry and delivers improved potency at 2 years.
European Urology Supplements 2008; Vol 7(3), p118, abstract 189.
Annual EAU Congress, Milan. March 2008.
Nobes J, Cunningham M, Voulgaris S, Khaksar S, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
The value of real time intra operative planning versus pre-planned prostate brachytherapy.
European Urology Supplements 2008; Vol 7(3), p235, abstract 659.
Annual EAU Congress, Milan. March 2008.
Nobes J, Wells I, Voulgaris S, Khaksar S, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
Low dose rate prostate brachytherapy: 7 year PSA relapse free survival in 500 patients.
UK & Ireland Prostate Brachytherapy Group Meeting, Cheltenham. April 2008.
Nobes J, Wells IG, Voulgaris S, Khaksar S, Langley SEM, Laing RW.
Prostate brachytherapy: 7 year biochemical relapse free survival results from 500 patients.
BJU Internal 2008: Vol 101 (suppl 5), p5, abstract 047.
British Association of Urological Surgeons Annual Meeting, Manchester. June 2008.
Voulgaris S, Khaksar S, Nobes J, McGrogan A, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
Bladder beck resection prior to I125 LDR brachytherapy improves post implant urinary toxicity. A matched pair analysis.
World Brachytherapy Congress, Boston. May 2008.
Nobes J, Khaksar S, Langley SEM, Laing RW.
Single centre experience of 1500 patients treated with I125 prostate brachytherapy.
British Uro-Oncology Group, Windsor. September 2008.
Nobes J, Khaksar S, Laing RW, Langley SEM.
I-125 prostate brachytherapy – A single centre experience of 1500 patients.
South Thames Urology Trainees Meeting, London. November 2008
Khaksar SJ, Langley SEM, Laing RW:
A patients guide to external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer.
ISBN: 1 898763 194 Eurocommunica Limited.
Khaksar SJ, Langley SEM, Laing RW, Shah J:
Prostate brachytherapy in clinical practice.
Springer. Commissioned and in progress.